– A showcase for the green transition


Øygarden municipality, Vest Næringsråd and Øygarden Næringsutvikling are looking forward to participat and to showcase their region at OTD Energy in Stavanger.

We are the municipality that invests the most in the green transformation. For us, OTD Energy is the most important place to showcase the industry and the opportunities that exist, regardless of whether it is in Stavanger in 2023 or here with us in 2024, says Tom Georg Indrevik, mayor of Øygarden.

Tom Georg Indrevik, mayor of Øygarden

Great opportunities

His statement is supported by Kari-Anne Landro, head of the Vest Næringsråd and Hanne Misje Lokøy, head of Øygarden Næringsutvikling. For us, it is important to be present where the industry meets. The market has no borders and many of our member companies operate both in Øygarden and in other places in Norway and the rest of the world.

– We look forward to showcasing all the exciting things we have here in Øygarden. OTD Energy is a national and international showcase for the green transition, and we in Øygarden are strategically located with good facilities for business development within the green transition, says Landro.

– We are happy that Øygarden is a part of OTD Energy in Stavanger. This shows a proactive municipality which wants to strengthen its position as a business-friendly and future-oriented region, says Odd Eide Knudsen, Sales Director at OTD Energy.

Once started in Øygarden

The OTD exhibition started in a hall in Øygarden in the 90s. In the past it was mostly about oil and gas, while this year’s OTD Energy also will be more about the future energy supply and energy mix, digitalization, sustainability, technology, just to name a few. But most of all, OTD Energy is a meeting place where actual business takes place and contracts are signed.

– We have researched the participant statistics for OTD Energy 2021 in Stavanger which show that 40% of participants came from operator or contractor companies, and a significant proportion of visitors represent buyers/project managers or directors/managers with decision-making authority. This really supports our claim that OTD Energy is a meeting place where business decisions are made, says Knudsen.

Both Indrevik, Landro and Lokøy emphasize the importance of dialogue and cooperation in order to achieve their goals. They have good experience of this in Øygarden, but you can always improve and this year’s exhibition in Stavanger will be an important place to meet the industry on their home turf at OTD Energy.

– We want to give our business sector predictable conditions towards a green energy transition. And if we are to achieve this, we need cooperation and dialogue with the industry. And we get the opportunity to do this under OTD Energy.

Odd Eide Knudsen (OTD Energy), Hanne Misje Lokøy (Øygarden Næringsutvikling), Tom Georg Indrevik (Mayor of Øygarden), Kari-Anne Landro (Vest Næringsråd) and Anders Ekanger (Vest Næringsråd)
